Certificate of Dealer Registration 

  FORM 'B'

[Rule-4 ]

Mineral Dealer Regn. No.    J041318543

Year: 2021
1. Name of Dealer (in full) : GAUTAM KUMAR SINGH
2. Full Address( with Residential proof) : KOMAR BALUMATH LATEHAR
3. Father's Name in full (in case of firm, give names and address of partners and person holding powers of attorney to act on behalf of the firm) : GAUTAM KUMAR SINGH
4. Profession of the dealer : BUSINESS
5. Specific place or places of business
(Processing / storing / Selling / Trading ) 
Sl#.Application NoReference NoLocation
6. Specific purpose for which Registration is granted :
7. Name of mineral/ore covered under the license :
Sl#.Application NoReference NoMineral
8. Name and Address of persons/firms from whom the mineral/ore will be purchased/procured
9. If it is a case of re-registration/re-activation enter the number and date of grant of the original registration :  
10. No. and date of application for this Registration :     NDA/185432104/1 -- 12 Apr 2021
11. Condition imposed by Licensing authority :  
  1. The Dealer shall abide by all terms and conditions of “The Jharkhand Minerals” (Prevention of Illegal Mining, Transportation and Storage) Rule-2017, and other guiding acts, rules and laws applicable for mineral dealer.
  2. The Dealer shall have to procure minerals from valid and legal sources.
  3. The Dealer shall have to maintain proper accounts of procurement and sale of minerals with proof.
  4. The Dealer shall have to permit any authorized officer of the Department to enter in their premises for verification of minerals stack and beneficiation/processing plant and also permit to take sample.
  5. The Dealer shall abide by all the executive orders issued by the Department to maintain the conditions of these rules.
  6. No storage and processing of mineral to be carried out without a valid CTO and dealer will abide by all the terms and conditions of CTO.
  7. This license is being issued based on self attested documents uploaded by the applicant with the application for registration. If at any stage any document/information is found incorrect or wrong the license to be liable to be rejected and further penal actions will be taken as per the rule.
  8. The Dealer shall submit the monthly returns and other reports, as directed within the stipulated time.
  9. The Dealer License shall be valid subject to getting all statutory clearances and compliances,as applicable.
  Date of grant
  As it is a system generated document no need of signature