Companies operating either as Lessee or Dealer has been given with an unique code. The code is designed in combination of their geographical presence, company code & serial no. The unique code used as a reference code for all purpose of JIMMS activity. The Lessees have been provided JIMMS login info and console to do the day-to-day mining activities as per Jharkhand Mining Rules.
The system creates individual mining lease profile, based on the Statutory Clearances they operate their mines. The profile acts as a platform for the entire activity in JIMMS.
New / Renewal of Dealer License:
Any individual, partnership firm, company can apply online for new drealer license in specified application form (Form A).
The existing Lessee & delaer can also apply online for New dealer license from their existing console. The existing dealers can apply online for renewal of their license in Form A1. The applicant need to pay their application fee online from JIMMS Portal. The status of the application is communicated to the applicant through SMS.
The codification of all the stakeholders with the historical data and scanned PDF files has been thrown open in the public domain. These data have been locked by the Circle Mining Office after cross checking with the Government Files.